

The OpenScripture project aims to create digital editions of old print editions of the Book of Mormon that are not freely accessible on the web. The initial scope of this project is to digitize the 1837, 1840, 1841, 1879, and 1920 editions of the Book of Mormon. Future projects may include more editions of the Book of Mormon and also editions of the Doctrine and Covenants.

The aforementioned editions are being digitized by the Office of Digital Humanities, and they are projected to be finished by the end of August 2022.

These data are expected to be used for research projects by Scott Howell (Education), Lareina Hingson (Linguistics), Brooke Anderson (MA Student), and more. We welcome any and all to use our data once we have finished our digitization.

An interactive website for displaying the changes throughout editions is available at; however, the data is continually being reviewed and updated on a weekly basis.

The data is available for free on GitHub here.

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